Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's Only Day 4...

How did you infer the post title?  Did you interpret it in a negative or positive way?  

Tuesday was a tough day for me.  I felt inept and anxious and not in control.  I have always been in the know. I have always been in control, queen of my own castle.  I drowned my sorrows all day with coffee, tea and Mountain Dew.  And, guess what?  All night, I tossed and turned and got to thinking.  Why am I not being true to who I am?  Why am I allowing negative thoughts drag me down?  

So, thank you caffeine!  Being awake made me realize I don't have to be in control.  This is learning in the making.  I walked into class the next morning with a zip in my step - even though I hadn't slept - and I informed the group that I WAS BACK!

Today I proclaimed IT'S ONLY DAY 4! It is not month 4 or day 364.  I am at peace with the understanding that I do not know everything.  I am at peace knowing it will be an uphill journey from this point on.  I am at peace with the unknown...

On a brighter note... I have met 19 amazing educators who have come together from all walks of life with the same goal.  We are already close and IT'S ONLY DAY 4!  They say laughter is the best medicine which has helped us keep our sanity this week!

So, here's to day 4 and 5 and 6 and....


  1. Jeni,

    I like the title. Perfect for ALL areas of education!!!


  2. I am enjoying reading your blog and glad to be part of the process with you. Our entire SLA group certainly is dynamic and we each bring an important piece to this Cohort. Thanks for supporting me in my "weakness" and "laughing BIG"! :-)

