Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The last leg of the SLA journey...

Although the journey never ends, the final week of our SLA journey ended last week in Ocracoke.  It was a bitter-sweet end to the internship (sad because I will miss seeing everyone each week and happy because... well, I think that is self-explanatory!). I was honored with the task of sharing the final message with cohort 3.  That, in itself, was a very difficult task.  

Blessed to have had this amazing, wise woman by my side the entire way!

I received my AP pin during our week in Ocracoke.

Monday, June 2, 2014

End of Year Video


Rerouting the Journey

Tonight, I stepped forward, and I chose growth!  I am thrilled that my journey into administration will continue next school year as an assistant principal.  I am elated for the chance to continue touching lives and making a difference for children.