Monday, August 19, 2013

Another Miss but Still a Big Hit!

By the looks on our faces you can tell we had an awesome first day of school!  David's first day of Kindergarten, Zacary's first day of third grade, and my first day as a principal intern were nothing short of wonderful! 

When I missed David's fifth birthday this summer due to my internship, the coaches said there would be many other "misses" with this job.  Today, I missed his first day of Kindergarten.  Daddy had the pleasure of taking him to his class and hugging him good-bye... a stepping stone in his life that I knew I would not get to see.  So, when I picked them up today, I made sure I got a shot of the three of us to celebrate the day!

I know there will be more misses along the way.  But, knowing what I am preparing myself to do... to be... to achieve... makes those misses tolerable.  Today, I was there for 62  children who began sixth grade.  I was there for the parents who "missed" this stepping stone.  And, in a Kindergarten classroom today, a special teacher was doing the very same thing for this mom.  

To all the educators out there who sacrifice many of life's precious moments, thank you.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." Winston Churchill

Depending on who you are, change is either seen as a good thing or a bad thing. For many, change isn't always easy, and some people have to adapt to change when they didn't even ask for it. But, change can be a good thing.  Change veers away from the status quo and creates a fresh perspective for what is to come.  In education, change agents have a powerful job.  If we, as administrators, are successful in being a "spark for change", we can create more leaders and fewer followers.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

You May Be A New Administrator If...

You may be a new administrator if... get passed over when class lists are shared! look at bulletin boards like kids eyeball candy! eat lunch at your desk in five minutes flat! eat lunch by yourself... sigh... triple check the email you are sending and then go to 'sent' to make sure it sounded right, err, I mean correct! get to school earlier than what is necessary! do a lot more listening and a lot less talking! (Yes, you doubters... I do have self-control!) know the decision you made to become an administrator was the right choice!

It's been great getting to know the staff.  Elise is a wonderful school filled with educators who keep the children at the forefront of decision making.  And, speaking of children, open house is tomorrow night.  This will be, yet, another "you may be a new administrator" kind of night!  I can't wait to meet these kids.  I just hope they are ready for me!

Friday, August 9, 2013

The 3 S's: Success, Slop and Sleep!

My first two days at Elise were great!  I was able to get acclimated to my new surroundings and my new life as administrator.  I settled into my corner.  Literally, it is a corner shared with the nurse.  But, she is only there on Thursdays and I will be in class every Thursday.  So, it works!  Kristin says I need a picture of the outside to make it look as if there is a window behind my desk.  I'm thinking the art class/club may get a project to do!

I took full advantage of the kids not being here this week (thanks Nana and Bumpy) and pretended to be young and free!  Chris wanted me to add the WILD to the young and free, but that wasn't happening.  You cannot be wild when you are in your PJ's by 6:05!

Dinner at Outback was super nice. It was an actual restaurant with linen napkins, real plates, and adult conversation - not one with indoor playgrounds, plastic trays, and conversations centered around Minecraft.

So, I'm off to get the kids and return to CRAZY!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


"Who are you?" said the Caterpillar...
"I - I hardly know, Sir, just at present," Alice replied rather shyly, "at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then." 
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Friday morning, the SLA coaches transitioned us from students to interns.  Friday afternoon, I transitioned from work to vacation.  Today, when I drop off the kids with my mom, I will transition again.  And, tomorrow, for the first time in nineteen years, I will transition from walking into the school not as a teacher but as an administrator. 

Transitions.  Thank goodness one of the thirty-one books given to us was on this very subject.  Transitions begin with an ending which can be difficult because, as humans, we don't want to let go of what we know and what is comfortable.  The uncertainty of what is to come can be unsettling.  

I remember fondly of our move from Clayton to Carthage in 2011.  It was a rather abrupt move; it happened so fast, I didn't have time to really make a total transition.  I never let go of my "life" at Riverwood Middle School.  I never got to say good-bye to my co-workers and my students who I had grown so close to.  Even though I was beginning my new life in Moore County, I was merely "existing" until I went back to Johnston County in late October and had the chance to say good-bye and let go.  At that moment, I actually felt the weight of what I had carried for those three months being released.  And, once I returned to New Century Middle School, I was not existing.  Rather, I was LIVING!

This transition is a little different than my last one.  And, even though this new change begins with an ending, my time as a teacher has not "ended" per say.  My co-workers (past and present) have reminded me to never forget from where I came.  How can I? Those were some of the best times of my life!  

Gone, but not forgotten...